Ottawa Chiropractor :: First Visit

Our new patient forms can be downloaded and completed in the convenience of your own home.
Upon arrival at our clinic, you’ll first be asked to check-in. This involves signing in at the front desk, and being asked to fill out some paperwork. This information is important, and will assist the doctors in diagnosing your specific condition and the most appropriate course of care.
The information you will be asked to provide includes:
- Contact and insurance information
- A brief health history, including a list of any current medications
- Questions pertaining to your current complaint
Consultation/Physical Exam/Chiropractic Exam
Following the check-in process, you’ll be taken back to the exam room. The doctor will then begin the consultation by introducing you to the clinic and asking you some follow-up questions regarding your complaint.
Following the consultation, the doctor will perform both a physical exam and a chiropractic exam in order to determine the extent and severity of your condition.
The Physical and Chiropractic Exam includes:
- Vital Signs
- Postural Analysis
- Range-of-Motion
- Motion/Static Palpation
- Orthopedic/Neurological tests
X-Ray Exam
The x-ray exam is a very important part of your initial exam. X-rays will be taken only when the doctor determines that they are necessary, and will prove to be beneficial.
Depending on the circumstances, you may or may not be adjusted during your first appointment. Whether you receive an adjustment or not, other therapies may be performed in order to minimize possible pain or inflammation associated with your condition. These therapies include, but are not limited to heat therapy, cryotherapy, and intersegmental traction.
Scheduling Your Report-of-Findings
If you are not adjusted during your initial visit, you will be scheduled for your Report-of-Findings. At this appointment the doctor will review what was found during your initial exam. The doctor will also discuss what form of treatment will be most beneficial to your condition, and begin care if it is deemed necessary.
Next, what to expect at your second appointment.